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We Care

When you make a decision to purchase a Jute Bag from JuteVilla

  • You believe in protecting environment and conserving nature
  • You picked up a World Class Jute Product
  • You saved an animal from being killed
  • You saved the environment from pollution
  • You helped Jute artisans earn their livelihood with dignity
  • You helped a farmer with option to grow a Cash Crop
  • You promote Cleanliness and Make in India

Environmental Awareness - Go Green Initiative

As an organization we care for the environmental sustainability and biodegradation and try to put our best efforts in Conserving Nature and Go-Green initiatives. When you have decided to purchase a Jute Bags you have joined a journey of Millions of other People who care for Nature. Jute has many natural advantages over other product lines.

Why Jute?

Jute is known as one of the most durable and the strongest natural fiber and below are some features because of which jute bags are highly popular:

  • Eco-friendly and Durable
  • Environment friendly
  • Looks Trendy, Stylish and Fashionable
  • High tensile strength and Lustrous quality
  • Jute is 100% biodegradable and recyclable
  • Economical and Cost-effective
  • Jute is a natural fiber with golden & silky shine and hence also called as The Golden Fibre
  • Jute falls into the category of best fibers and is the 2nd most important vegetable fiber after cotton
  • Jute stem has very high volume of cellulose that can be procured within 4-6 months and hence it can also save the forest and meet cellulose and wood requirement of the world.
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